About Japanese Knife
More than 600 years of History, “Cutlery made in Sakai, Japan”
More than 90% of Professional Chefs use Knives made in Sakai.
“This knife brings out the flavor of the raw ingredients to the maximum!”
Once chefs of Michelin-starred restaurants fell in love and bought Japanese knives. When the ecommerce was not widely used like today, they bought many knives before returning to their countries.
The chefs all over the world have loved Japanese knives because of sharpness.
When you cut pumpkins, how much power you need to put into your kitchen knife? How about in case you cut carrots?
Using Japanese chef’s knives, carrots are cut easily just like you cut sponge… and the cut ends are extremely sharp and fresh! Only the weight of knife is enough to cut tomatoes, and the cut ends are unbelievably silky-smooth.

Japanese Knives won’t grind cells of cut ends, unlike common kitchen knives.
When you cut paprika, the slices whose cells of cut ends are not ground have crispy palate feeling because they don’t lose moisture inside the cells. Just cut vegetables as usual, you can enjoy crunchy texture of salads that you’ve never experienced with your kitchen knife currently using!
Fish and meats cut by Japanese knives have completely different feeling on the tongue from those cut by common kitchen knives.
Anyone who compares see the differences instantly! When you marinade fish, a blend of seasonings and oils won’t soak too much into the fish cut by Japanese knives, because the cells of cut ends are not ground. Fish cut by common kitchen knives loses its delicious taste, and it becomes washy and bad feeling on the tongue.
Sharp Japanese knives bring out the flavor of the raw ingredients to the maximum!
It became the topic of conversation all over the world, more and more people have come to use Japanese knives nowadays.

It is hard to say a knife is really “made in Japan”. Due to its complex characteristics, the making process is divided into several sub-processes, and each sub-process is done by specialized artisans. In fact, there are “made-in-Japan” knives which have only a few sub-processes done in Japan, whilst the other sub-processes are done outside Japan where labor cost is low. Also, there are mass-produced knives by machines which have handle attached in Japan, labeled “made-in-Japan”. Therefore, it’s hard for customers to see through such deceptions only by brand names and/or sellers.
All the Items Sold in This Site Are…

Completely Made in Japanl. Our products are made all the processes in Japan.

Handmade by artisans who have inherited traditional skills from 600 years ago.
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