The Lacquerware which expresses bamboo – Niigata Lacquerware

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, bamboo-like painted vase

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, bamboo-like painted vase
(Image: Aoyama Square)

The most popular painting technique of Niigata Lacquerware is Bamboo panting (Take-Nuri). Bamboo painting is to express bamboo joints and lines or sooty surfaces with lacquer.

Niigata city has been known for its productions of Niigata Lacquerware, also there has been a trading spot for goods for a long time. Because some cultures, therefore, came to the city from around, various lacquer works were innovated by being influenced by different cultures. Niigata Lacquerware interest people in various styles such as Flower Painting, Stone Painting, brocade painting, Beach grass Painting and Bamboo Painting.

In this article, I will introduce the attractions of the various Niigata Lacquerware.

The lacquerware which expresses bamboo – Bamboo Painting (Take- Nuri)

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, bamboo-like painted chop sticks

Bamboo painting is the method which expresses bamboo by lacquer as if these are made of bamboo. Only Niigata lacquerware can express this bamboo-like texture; rust on the base makes bamboo joints or lines and color lacquer expresses the bamboo’s sooty skin. It is said that the origin of this method is the painting technique used for a sheath of the sword of Samurai in the Edo period. Currently, Bamboo painting is often used for lacquered boxes, vases and chopsticks.

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, bamboo-like chopstickNiigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, bamboo-like painted bento box

Expressed the rough surface of stone – Stone Painting (Ishime-Nuri)

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, stone-like painted lacquerware box

Stone painting expresses the rough surface of stone skin by carbon powder. The feature of stone painting is not damaged easily, therefore, this method is often used for bases and trays. In addition, some stone paintings are designed with gold or silver decorations.

Lacquerware which uses only the final coat – Flower painting (Hana-Nuri)

Flower Painting is called Nuritate (literally meaning wet painting). This method does not require the usual process of lacquerware, sharpening, making shiny, scraping its surface and polishing.

Niigata Lacquerware have mainly been produced as daily goods like Japanese low tables or trays. At the end of the Edo period, Niigata Lacquerware was sold all over Japan, and Niigata city became one of the most major producing places of the lacquerware.

Niigata Lacquerware was designed as a traditional craft by the Japanese government in 2003. Niigata Lacquerware currently challenges new methods enthusiastically and develops the innovative technique like Sunset Painting or Hazy-Silver Painting while inheriting traditional methods.

At last, I will introduce Hazy-silver painting, which is an innovative Niigata Lacquerware style.

Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, innovative style painting
Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, innovative painting style trays
Niigata Lacquerware, a Japanese traditional craft, wine glasses
blog author Yuiko

Author - Yuiko

Hello. I have studied Business and English in Chicago as an exchange student for a year. I usually watch movie, go shopping and eat in my free time. My recommendation of Japanese food is Takoyaki. If you visit Osaka, please try it.

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